You Can Make it Here.

Space, Tools, Training, Support and Community

MAXT supports the creative community of the Monadnock Region through shared Tools, Resources and Education

What is MAXT Makerspace?

A makerspace is a gathering point for people to share resources and knowledge, work on projects, network, and build businesses. MAXT Makerspace has 10,000 square feet of offices, studio spaces and dedicated workshops for woodworking, metal working, jewelry, textiles, printmaking, laser cutting, 3D printing and more.


The Community Ceramics Center

MAXT is happy to announce the opening of our brand new Sharing Arts Community Ceramics Center in Dublin, NH. The center features classes, one-on-one instruction and access to all the tools you need to pursue your interests in ceramics - whether you are experienced or just getting started.


Our makerspace hosts a wide range of classes, trainings and events where members of our community can meet, learn and have fun. If you make it, you can share it at MAXT - Contact us about your class idea at

Friday, Mar 28th
Times shown in Eastern Daylight Time

We offer tours of our space to anyone interested.

Click below to schedule an appointment:

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